uPVC vs Aluminium Windows
Overseas homes have been enjoying the benefits of uPVC windows for decades while New Zealand homes are still built with older and under performing window materials and technology.
Let's see how ThermaScreen uPVC windows compare with standard aluminium windows.

Insulation Is The Key
When it comes to home insulation, industry professionals often talk about "R-Values". It is quite a complex equation, but let's keep it simple.
The R-Value is the Resistance to heat transfer. The higher the R-value, the more insulation against heat loss. Let's take a look at how our uPVC windows compare against standard and upgraded aluminium joinery.

ThermaScreen's standard uPVC windows are 2.5 times more insulating than traditional double-glazed solid aluminium windows, and ~50% more insulating than thermally broken aluminium frames. Even if you pay for expensive aluminium upgrades, our entry-level windows are still 1.5 times more insulating.
What does a better R-Value mean for you? You will pay less in heating and cooling to stay even more comfortable inside. More insulating windows also mean less money spent on heating and cooling. BRANZ stated that NZ could save over $730,000,000 in heating costs over their first 20 years alone, and prevent 660,000 tonnes of CO2 from being produced only by choosing higher performance windows instead of basic aluminium.
More insulating windows stay warmer in winter which result in a reduction or elimination of condensation.
Expensive Performance Upgrades Aren't Necessary
Aluminium windows are notorious for acting like radiators, bringing unwanted heat from the outside into the room. They also conduct cold in the same way, which results in condensation and mould. Even double glazed aluminium windows can have condensation problems on the aluminium frames.

To address this, aluminium windows can be specially protected with “thermal breaks,” to help improve energy efficiency. This is an upgrade and adds to the overall cost. Ironically, the material used for a thermal break may be uPVC. A thermal break isn't applicable to a uPVC window because the entire frame is already a thermal break.
Argon-filled, double-pane Low-E coated glass further increases window insulation and is standard on all our windows, not an upgrade as with aluminium windows.

Fresh Air and Birdsong in the Summer, Without the Bugs
ThermaScreen offers seamlessly-integrated insect screens so your windows can be wide open during the day or night, without pesky flies or mosquitoes entering your home.
Lower Maintenance
uPVC windows never need to be repainted or stained because they are the same colour throughout. They are also highly resistant to dust and dirt, and are easily cleaned.
Aluminium windows need to be lubricated regularly because they contain metal on metal movements. When scratched, they may require painting to cover scratches.

A Quick Snapshot
As a summary, here's what you can expect from ThermaScreen Products.

keep warm in winter, cool in summer
Better insulation in the joinery and low-e glass means more comfort all year around

no flies or mosquitoes
Our seamlessly integrated insect screens allow windows and doors to stay open during hot summer months, without the bugs

No more injury caused by open windows
Our uPVC windows come in a variety of styles, including awning, casement, and sliding options so little heads don't hit protruding windows

Competitive Pricing
Using the US economy of scale and smart shipping logistics, we ensure our quality products stay affordable
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While we do screen our windows, we don't screen our calls or emails. Get in touch for questions or quotes today.